How do you remove the first line indent in word 2013
How do you remove the first line indent in word 2013

how do you remove the first line indent in word 2013

Alternatively you can use your leading increment so that if your text is 10/12, then a 12-point first line indent is suitable.

how do you remove the first line indent in word 2013

Anything less and the indent may be missed. If you're using 10-point type, a 10-point first-line indent is suitable. There is no hard and fast rule, but 1 em is a good starting point. While blunt beginnings seem to create a uniform and consistent impression when compared to normal typesetting, this impression is paid for with a serious loss of comprehension." How Big Should They Be? And that is its most important disadvantage. Paragraphs without indent…are a bad habit and should be eliminated." And more: "Typesetting without indentation makes it difficult for the reader to comprehend what has been printed. The famous typographer wrote several articles about first-line indents and was unequivocal on the subject: "The beginnings of paragraphs must be indented. They're indents on the first line of a paragraph. You wouldn't think there would be too much to say about first-line indents. The humble first-line indent plays a crucial role in the readability of documents, notifying the reader that one paragraph has ended and a new one is about to begin.

How do you remove the first line indent in word 2013